About Us

The Internet & Social Media, unquestionably the most influential mediums in our lives.

GRANDDESIGNS.COM.AU will be developed into a Brand showcasing Products, Services & Ideas Unique or Niche within their respective fields. Think of us as a Digital Media & Marketing Portfolio for Grand Designs.

First stage is to develop presence for our Brand and connect with you on Social Media, whilst this website will evolve into what we vision as a platform.

To fulfil our goal of delivering “Stand Out” content, we need you. If you are a Mover & Shaker within Food, Fashion, Photography, Real Estate, Automotive, Hairdressing, Weddings, Events, almost any industry, we want to hear why, what and who you are.

If you think it’s Grand, let us know.

So follow GRANDDESIGNS.COM.AU on Instagram, where we want to know…

What’s Your Grand Design?™
